LAW OFFICE OF KATHLEEN M. FLYNN, LLC Caring, Experienced Disability Attorneys. Free consultation. No fee unless you win. Need help with your Adult or Child SSI, SSDI, Widow’s/ Widower’s benefits, Disabled Adult Child benefits or Disability Insurance benefits or Service Connected Veterans benefits? Email, call, or use the form to tell us about your case. 404-479-4431 Contact us today! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I am a:Returning clientPotential clientExisting clients please email Potential clients please email intakekathleenflynnlaw@gmail.comName *FirstLastEmail *Phone numberHow old is the person applying for benefits?Are you currently working?YesNoYou need assistance:Filing an applicationFiling an appealPlease give a brief description of the case: *Have you ever had an attorney/rep assist you with a case?YesNoIf you would like to ask us a question, please enter it here:*Required informationPhoneSubmit Want to know more about Kathleen Flynn Law? CLICK HERE CLICK HERE